The Monthly Mini Village series consists of 12 designs that will be released consecutively for 12 months. Each chart has a stitch count of 125w x 45h. These are monthly samplers that are not intended to be stitched as one large piece, therefore I will not be providing info to do that. Rather, they are meant to be displayed one at a time, according to the month. I will be using Family Tree Frame Co.’s 4” x 9” Juliet frame in Shabby Icing to do this.
The fabric used for the models is Wichelt’s 32 count Beautiful Beige Linen. The designs are stitched entirely in Classic Colorworks’ threads and use the same threads throughout. If all of the designs are stitched, a total of this many skeins of floss will be needed: Classic Colorworks’ Bamboo (7), Little Sprout (5), Wagon Wheel (5), Holly Berry (3), Cool Azul (2), Frozen Margarita (2), Mariner's Compass (2), Hazelnut (2), Pink Posey (2), Summer Sky (2), Stepping Stones (1), Cottage Daisies (1), Tangerine (1), Sunkissed (1) and Hickory Sticks (1). DMC alternatives are provided on the charts.
January Mini Village
Stitch Count: 125w x 45h.
Fabric: Wichelt's 32 count Beautiful Beige Linen.
Threads: Classic Colorworks' Bamboo, Hickory Sticks, Little Sprout, Tangerine, Cool Azul, Summer Sky, Stepping Stones, and Wagon Wheel.