The "Frosty Forest" series is a 9 part series. All of the designs have a suggested fabric of 32 count Pearl Grey Linen, and all measure the same size with a stitch count of 65w by 65h. This makes them about 4" square on the 32 count fabric.
Each of the designs look great stitched on their own, but they were designed so you can stitch them all together. If you decide to stitch the entire series in the way that I am showing it, it will have a stitch count of 199w x 199h, which makes it about 12 1/2" square, so you will need an 18" square piece of 32 count fabric. If you decide to stitch all the designs as one piece, simply leave two stitches between each of the blocks.
Another special part of the designs is that each will use one button from Just Another Button Company. Using the button though is completely optional, and so it is not included with the pattern. If you like the button you can purchase it to add on, and if not, then just stitch the chart as directed without the button. Keep in mind that the buttons were chosen to fit with the 32 count fabric, so if you choose a different fabric count they may not fit the design as well.